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Monday, January 7, 2013

Story behind "Pumped Up Kicks"

When you listen to the song, Pumped up kicks, by Foster The People, you probably get lost in the catchy tune and forget to actually pay attention to what the song is about. At least this was my usual way of listening to the song. This all changed one night when I was watching the top twenty countdown and this song was on the spotlight. This very night changed my view of the song and everything behind it.

      The song is actually about a young boy who was never cool in school; he wasn't actually tormented he was just ignored and an outcast really. One night, his dad brought him home a new pair of shoes that this young boy thought was the end to his reputation. He was now going to be the coolest kid in school! The very next day at school he walked in with every bit of confidence high and in sight! When the kids at his school saw him and his new shoes, they immediately started tormenting him and poking fun. The young boy had enough and went home with a broken heart and dream. That night, he stole his fathers gun from his gun case and packed it in his bag. Arriving at school he pulled it out and shot every one of those kids that made fun of him for his shoes.

       So next time you hear this song and the part comes on "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, faster than my bullet" Just remember what they are actually singing about.

I think this sort of event is sad but it really happens. Lately school shootings have happened a lot more and have shown what kind of problem bullying has become in our schools. I don't think this event happened in the US, but in our near by neighbors, Canada. Still though, the fact that it happened and there is a song to show the event that occurred is pretty crazy. Also, this song shows that half the poeple that sing this song don't truly know what they are even singing about. They are singing about a kid that got bullied, and decided to shoot all of the people who did it. So is this truly a song that you would want to be singing walking down the street? Or how about playing it in your car with the windows down? No doubt this song had a purpose to it unlike some in our generation, but is htis purpose one to be happy about?


  1. (michael)I also have heard this story and it is pretty crazy also when you listen to the song it kind of explains it!

  2. Replies
    1. A lot of remixes are available. Who wrote the lyrics?

  3. Where did you get the shoes from

  4. I know what it's like to be verbally sexually harassed by two boys once in 8th grade then again in my junior year. No one truly understands what the mental impact words and labels do to an individual. This topic is just as bad as rape, abuse, murder, etc. I'm tired of people who are adults who work in school not have this topic addressed more. Our generation now has social media that can do a lot more damage than before. It's time for people to understand what they can do to impact a person's life.
